by Giorgio Bassani ; translated by Jamie McKendrick ; with an introduction by Ali Smith. George Sand ; translated by Sylvia Raphael ; with an introduction by Naomi Schor. Sigmund Freud ; translated by Joyce Crick ; with an introduction by John Carey. Henri Barbusse ; translated by Robin Buss, with an introduction by Jay Winter. Walter Benjamin ; translated by J.A. Underwood with an introduction by Amit Chaudhuri. Giorgio Bassani ; translated by Jamie McKendrick. Sigmund Freud ; translated by John Reddick ; with an introduction by Mark Edmundson. Thomas Mann ; translated by H.T. Lowe-Porter ; with an introduction by Adam Foulds. Giorgio Bassani ; translated by Jamie McKendrick Alain-Fournier ; translated by Robin Buss with an introduction by Adam Gopnik.